
Prepared Food industry | How does SRT feed back the value of service per kilometre from field to table +

In order to better promote the healthy development of China's prepared dish industry, the "China Prepared Dish Industry Development Conference" sponsored by Prepared Dish Online was held in Beijing Dahongmen International Convention and Exhibition Center.

Show Preview - SRT will see you in these cities in March 2024!

In March 2024, SRT will further showcase the company's innovative products and solutions through the following platforms. Perhaps the following can be useful for you

Industry application | See the breakthrough advantages of domestic suction cups from the substrate handling of the display panel industry

Display panel is the most direct carrier of human-computer interaction and everyone communication, which contains a huge market of 100 billion dollars.




数字化、智能化的工业发展趋势不断释放出强劲动力,工业进程持续改变着整个行业领域。11月27日,一场展示科技创新力量,展现数字化转型的2023 DMP大湾区工业博览会(第24届DMP国际模具、金属加工、塑胶及包装展)在深圳国际会展中心(宝安新馆)启程。其中,北京软体机器人科技股份有限公司(以下简称:SRT)以创新的软体机器人技术实力和丰富的机器人+柔性解决方案,亮相展会8号馆E01展位。

展会预告|@所有人 关注SRT 11月展会指南,预约观展不迷路!


hotline: 0086+400-186-7770

Business :

|  Beijing  |  Soft  |  Building 12, No.109 Yard, Jinghai 3rd Road, Beijing Economic-Technological Development Area, Beijing

|  Suzhou  |  Soft  | 5F, Block A, Tianrui Industrial Park, No.1528 Chenfeng Highway, Yangshe Town, Zhangjiagang City, China

|  Suzhou  |  Intelligent  |  No.5 Factory, Shengda Baoluo Science & Technology Entrepreneurship Park, 1919 Fengyang Road, Weitang Town, Xiangcheng District, Suzhou

|  Hangzhou|Soft|5A-4, Building 7, No. 11, Jugong Road, Xixing Street, Binjiang District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province 

|  Suzhou|Bokeshi|Gaorong Building, High-speed Rail New Town, Xiangcheng District, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province

|  Hefei|Sairuitan|Shui'an Chuanggu Building, No. 1288 Ziyun Road, Economic and Technological Development Zone, Hefei City, Anhui Province

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