
SRT is at ProPak China 2024 to explore the technology of automated packaging with you

As an exhibitor represented by soft robot technology, SRT follows the basic concept of "starting from the actual market demand" to show customers the business of high-flexible packaging equipment and flexible end fixture industry applications.

6月“展”望 | 预告来袭!SRT多场展会即将启动~

2024.06 参展邀请;关键词:详情预告/医疗康复/半导体/包装;参展地:上海(3场)/ 深圳(1场)

SRT is recognized by top companies and continues to build itself as a supplier of innovative products

With the landing of Foxconn mobile phone parts manufacturing flexible solution and BOE glass substrate handling fixture localization replacement project, SRT was officially recognized as a supplier

GSIE 2024|赴渝参展!SRT旗下微法尔以半导体自研核心部件开拓应用领域新路径

5月7日-9日,第六届全球半导体产业与电子技术(重庆)博览会(GSIE 2024)在重庆国际博览中心如期开幕。本届博览会以“新时代·创造芯未来”为主题,汇聚了众多业内翘楚,共同聆听产业前沿之声,共探产业发展之势。



2024 Hannover, Germany | SRT delivers' soft power 'in global cooperation

SRT brings the research and development results of soft robotics abroad to further negotiate the application and collaboration of flexible solutions with professionals in this global industrial "gathering place".

hotline: 0086+400-186-7770

Business :

|  Beijing  |  Soft  |  Building 12, No.109 Yard, Jinghai 3rd Road, Beijing Economic-Technological Development Area, Beijing

|  Suzhou  |  Soft  | 5F, Block A, Tianrui Industrial Park, No.1528 Chenfeng Highway, Yangshe Town, Zhangjiagang City, China

|  Suzhou  |  Intelligent  |  No.5 Factory, Shengda Baoluo Science & Technology Entrepreneurship Park, 1919 Fengyang Road, Weitang Town, Xiangcheng District, Suzhou

|  Hangzhou|Soft|5A-4, Building 7, No. 11, Jugong Road, Xixing Street, Binjiang District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province 

|  Suzhou|Bokeshi|Gaorong Building, High-speed Rail New Town, Xiangcheng District, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province

|  Hefei|Sairuitan|Shui'an Chuanggu Building, No. 1288 Ziyun Road, Economic and Technological Development Zone, Hefei City, Anhui Province

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